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What are the benefits of Antioxidants

 Food rich in antioxidants are always being the choice for healthy body. The beneficial effects of antioxidants are based on the fact that they can efficiently neutralize or scavenge the free radicals, which may cause damage to the cells. Free radicals are generated inside the body as a part of normal metabolism process as well as a result of exposure to ionizing radiation, drugs, pollutant, smoking, alcohol etc and even is a result of some phagocytic process. These free radicals are also known as reactive oxygen species due to their highly reactive nature and are highly prone to cause damage to cellular components and ultimately leading to various diseases. In healthy individuals, body have the capability to scavenged or neutralize these free radicals quiet efficiently.

Like human body have numerous antioxidant enzymes viz. superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase, catalase etcthat quench these free radicals. Also, the diet rich in antioxidant molecules like carotenes, flavonoids, vitamin C, vitamin E, zinc, selenium etc. also aids in neutralization of these free radicals. So, under normal conditions a balance exists between free radicals and antioxidants. But, in some pathologic conditions such as diabetes, and other critically illness, oxidative stress causes the level of antioxidants to fall below normal. In such conditions, antioxidant supplements are expected to be of benefit. As a preventive measure against certain diseases, the best approach for healthy individuals is to regularly consume adequate amounts of antioxidant-rich foods, eg, fruits and vegetables and also a wide range of antioxidant supplements are also available in the market.


What are Free Radicals?

A free radical is a molecular entity that possess an unpaired electron in its outer orbit. It is this unpaired electron that makes the free radical unstable and thus highly reactive because it tends to donate its unpaired electron or may accept an electron from other molecules in order to pair the unpaired electron to generate a more stable molecule. Thus, a series of reaction is initiated. One of the commonly generated free radicals is superoxide anion which is generated as a result of activity of mitochondrial and microsomal electron transport chains or by the action on some enzymes like Xanthineoxidase. There are two types of free radicals- Endogenous (which are produced as a result of normal cell activity) and exogenous (which are produced as result of external factors like environmental pollutants, smoking, drugs etc).

It is clear that these free radicals play a fundamental role in many cellular activities and is a part of our immune system but they are also a leading cause of many diseases like autoimmune disease, atherosclerosis, parkinsons, renal failure, ageing etc.


Antioxidants- The defence tool against Free Radicals

Free radicals are generated at astonishing rate in our body which may cause damage to cells and tissues. To combat this damage our body have developed an antioxidant defence mechanism to neutralize these free radicals. There are two types of antioxidants systems in our body-(i) Enzymatic antioxidant- e.g. superoxide dismutase (SOD); which prevent the generation of free radicals, (ii) Non-enzymatic antioxidant- e.g. flavonoids, uric acid, which quench any free radicals and singlet oxygen that are generated. The activities of antioxidant enzymes depend onthe nutritional availability of certain co-factors like antioxidant minerals e.g Zinc, Copper manganese, magnesium and selenium. Any deficiency of these nutrients may lower the levels of antioxidant enzymes and initiate disease processes. For instance, deficiency of copper of may also leads to SOD deficiency as well as rise in concentration of free radicals. The antioxidants play a vital role in wellbeing, good health and the prevention of chronic and degenerative diseases.


Classification of Antioxidants

Antioxidants are the first line of defence against the damaging effects of free radicals. Therefore, it is essential to maintain optimal health via different mechanisms of action.

On the basis of mechanism of action antioxidants can be classified as

·         Primary or chain-breaking antioxidants- which react directly with free radicals and transform them into more stable, non-radical products. These are also known as direct antioxidants.

·         Secondary or preventive antioxidants- which work indirectly on limiting lipid oxidation. These are also known as indirect antioxidants as they stop the oxidative process before it starts.

·         Multifunctional antioxidants- which exhibit both primary and secondary antioxidant properties.


Health Benefits of Antioxidants

·         Improves well-being and good health

·         Anti-ageing effect

·         Reduce risk of chronic diseases like cancer, heart, diabetes etc

·         Improves brain function

·         Better lungs functioning

·         Keep eyes, skin and hair healthy

·         Boost Immunity


Where to get Antioxidant?

Antioxidants are present in various fruits and vegetable like grapes, blueberry, strawberry, garlic, raspberries, beets, tomato, curcumin, spinach etc and other component of our regular diet. Different phytochemicals like hesperetin (present in orange), lycopene (present in tomatoes), anthocyanin (present in berries), polyphenols (present in green tea), quercetin (present in apple), zeaxanthin, flavonoids (present in cocoa), and lutein (present in kale)also have good antioxidants potential. Antioxidant properties are also present in certain vitamins like Vitamins A, C, E and K; and minerals like copper, iodine, zinc, selenium, and manganese; so, consuming these on a regular basis can prove to be highly fruitful. Certain proteins like albumin, glutathione; and lipids like Ubiquinol-10, alpha lipoic acid and hormones like melatonin, also exhibit antioxidant-like properties. However, the dietary level of some nutrients is lower in one or other parts of the country, and foods raised in those regions have low levels of particular mineral. However, the current food system has minimized this gap as it assures that foods marketed in any one area are derived from a number of different geographic locations. Besides diet, required antioxidants can be obtained through numerous supplements available in the market.

We, DD Nutritions Pvt Ltd provides wide range of high-quality antioxidant supplements to support your needs. DD Nutritions Pvt Ltd is a reckoned name in the field of Nutraceuticals, headquartered in Delhi, India and has garnered an international reputation for quality. We are also third-party Nutraceutical manufactures who provides GMP certified, FSSAI approved, HACCP and ISO affirmed, high quality and cost-effective nutraceutical products to our partners.